Up in arms… Is anyone listening? The Traveler…

November 19, 2018 by  
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Today I traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, by the way of The Boston Chronicle Extraordinary dated November 17, 1768. I found reports from London within the issue, one being: “The total number of the militia, in the large province of New-England, is upwards of 150,000 men, who all have and can use arms… Yesterday it was reported, that the people of Boston had taken Governor Bernard prisoner… The report of to-day is… all was quiet on the 24th of July… People in general seem much dissatisfied with the behaviour of the Bostonians. However these things will end, time only will determine: many people think it will not terminate without bloodshed; but I hope they will be mistaken.” 

Another article reads: “…I find Rulers in the mother country are resolved on the ruin of North-America. We have got no money, and many of our merchants have even pledged their plate to pay the taxes. — We indeed are of opinion that our grievances do not reach the royal ear.”

~The Traveler

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