Typical government job…

September 29, 2008 by  
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Much of the intrigue of collecting early newspapers is discovering the many fascinating & bizarre tidbits interspersed amongst the more historic reports for which the newspaper was purchased. They provide a fascinating glimpse into daily life of 100, 200 or 300 years ago, and much like the thrill of those who pan for gold, discovery of these literary golden nuggets can be an absolute delight.

The July 9, 1881 issue of HARPER’S WEEKLY includes two small and inconspicuous notes reading:

“A Western newspaper announces that two desperadoes who were firing pistol-shots at persons passing on the street ‘were ordered to be quiet by Policeman Jones’. “

There is said to be living in Baden an old man who claims the unique title of ‘boot-stretcher to the royal family.’ For many years his sole duty was to wear the new boots of the father of the present Grand Duke until his master could put them on with comfort. The old man now enjoys a pension.”

Have you discovered any fascinating or unusual tidbits in newspapers you have purchased? Please share your story.

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