13th to 19th Amendments and Beyond…

September 29, 2014 by  
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Brown vs. Board of EducationThe National Park Service recently posted a page on one of their park sites titled: “Brown vs. Board of Education – The 13th to 19th Amendments and Beyond”. The post certainly is informative and their use of historic newspapers and magazines (Harper’s Weekly, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated, The Crisis, Taunton Daily Gazette) to provide visual and historic depth to the topic will be of particular interest to rare & early newspaper collectors. Please enjoy:  Brown vs. Board of Education

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One Response to “13th to 19th Amendments and Beyond…”

  1. phillip komadina on October 5th, 2014 2:42 pm

    I see politics has never changed from lying and deceit of close fellow mankind as shown between General/President Washington/John Adams from his heart and Thomas jefferson from his owing slaves to Presidency and backstabbing of President John Adams and owing slaves. and our now suppose to be president baraack

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