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Announcing: Catalog #268 (for March, 2018) is now available…

http://images.rarenewspapers.com.s3.amazonaws.com/ebayimgs/Webs/Catalog-Rare-Newspapers.jpgRare Newspapers’ monthly offering of collectible newspapers, Catalog 268 [1], is now available. This latest collection of authentic newspapers is comprised of nearly 350 new items. Some of the noteworthy content includes: the desired New York Times reporting Lincoln’s assassination, Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms, Winslow Homer’s famous ‘Snap The Whip”, Battle of Lexington & Concord, a great 1757 map of the French & Indian War, the Battle of the Alamo, and more.

To view the above key issues [2] and a whole lot more, go to: Catalog 268 [1]

(The catalog links shown above will redirect to the latest catalog in approximately 30 days, upon which time it will update to the most recent catalog.)