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The Civil War… January, 1865

Blog-1-16-2015 [1]What news was reported in January, 1865 – 150 years ago? Such a walk back in time through the eyes of those who read the daily and weekly newspapers of the period can be quite revealing. This is why we often say, “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” The following link will take you back in time to show the available newspapers from the Rare & Early newspapers website. There’s no need to buy a thing. Simply enjoy the walk back in time:

January, 1865 [2]

A sampling of what you will find may include articles and info regarding: Alfred Tennyson, Sherman takes Savannah, General John Bell Hood escapes, “Rebels” turning against the rebellion, Confederates report that Savannah has returned to the Union, Letters from Hardee & Beauregard, slaves in court, Farewell orders of General Butler, Confederates admit a defeat near Petersburg, the capture of Fort Fisher, Savannah’s first Union-occupation newspaper, the Battle of Nashville, Robert E. Lee appointed Commander-in-Chief, and more. Enjoy!