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The end of an era… Thank you Jerry…

[1]Today marks the end of an era – decades of dedication and love from one of the most cheerful and faithful members of our Rare & Early Newspapers team. At the ripe young age of 87, Gerald Hughes, the father of our founder, Timothy Hughes, will hang up his folder making tools to spend more time at home with his wife, Lois.

His history with our office/warehouse goes far beyond the founding of the company, as he literally built the office portion of our building back in 1960 when he owned a band saw filing business. And it was extra storage space in that building that allowed Tim to make his first sizable purchase in the 1970’s. With warehouse additions built  in later decades, all of the wood shelving which holds our considerable inventory was built by Jerry, and his mechanical ingenuity has been a blessing in solving the many unique challenges our business has encountered through the years.

Thank you Jerry! You will be greatly missed.

With All Our Love,

Guy, Doreen, Brian, Tim, Mike, Josh, Sarah, & Rebekah

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3 Comments To "The end of an era… Thank you Jerry…"

#1 Comment By Lee Sanders On 02/22/2014 @ 12:36 am

Congratulations Mr. Hughes!
I realize you have played a considerable role in this hobby I have grown to love and I thank you very kindly.
Lee Sanders

#2 Comment By Paul Sarna On 02/24/2014 @ 9:56 pm

Good Luck Jerry! I have met you several times. I have been a customer for about 27 years and have made it to Williamsport a few times since then and have seen how the business has grown in inventory and in the amount of space it occupies.
Best of Luck!
Paul Sarna

#3 Comment By Frank Caserta On 02/26/2014 @ 11:08 pm

Thank you, Mr. Hughes, for all the fine folders you’ve made that now safely ensconce my family’s collection. My recent order of a hundred were likely among the last you manufactured. Your efforts are well appreciated and we rest assured knowing the wonderful and rare newspapers your son and his associates have sold to us will be well protected thanks to your fine work. Sincerely, Frank Caserta