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The War of 1812… through contemporary newspapers and more…

[1]Rare & original newspapers have always been an excellent resource for capturing the context, contemporary response, and details of historic events. This truth was brought home recently via Todd Andrlik’s, “Reporting the Revolutionary War: Before It Was History, It Was News [2]“. Moving slightly into the future, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy (retired) George W. Emery does the same in his work, “In Their Own Words – The Navy Fights The War Of 1812 [3]“. Yet again we are reminded that “History is never more fascinating than when it’s read from the day it was first reported.” Additional details worth exploring may be found at:

In Their Own Words: A New Look at the Naval War of 1812 [4]

Thanks for this latest contribution which brings the past into the present through the eyes of those who experienced the War of 1812 first-hand.