Recent Find: Free African-American woman writes story re: freed slaves in 1864… with Candice Glover connection…

April 16, 2013 by  
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Candice Glover, from American Idol fame, was born and raised in St. Helena (South Sea Islands) in South Carolina – Charlotte Forten, a free African-American woman traveled to the island to join the effort to teach the newly emancipated slaves how to become self-sufficient.  She wrote of her experiences and had her work published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1864 (2 Issues). Quite historic! It is always fun to explore the present (Candice Glover) is light of the past (Charlotte Forten… and the emancipated slaves). I wonder how deep Candice Glover’s island roots go?

Enjoy much of the text at:  St Helena Candice Glover Historic Home Island SC Freed Slaves 1864 2 Issues | eBay.

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