The Traveler… at the theatre…

November 4, 2013 by  
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Today’s journey took me to Washington, D.C. via the Daily National Intelligencer (November 4, 1863). There I found an article advertising a new theatre tragedy at Ford’s Theatre entitled “The Robbers” written by a German author. What is most intriguing is find that a cast member that they are applauding is the son of Junius Brutus Booth, John Wilkes Booth “…probably as good an interpreter of its interpreter of its many intricate and difficult portions as could be desired…  Mr. Booth will, as a matter of course, appear as Claude Melnotte, a character which he is admirably suited to sustain, both by personal and mental gifts… those desirous of witnessing the honest and sincere efforts of an aspiring young actor in all of the best acting tragedies should make their arrangements accordingly.”

It is hard to image his following appearance on April 14, 1865…

~The Traveler

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One Response to “The Traveler… at the theatre…”

  1. Paul Sarna on November 4th, 2013 8:45 pm

    People often cite unusual coincidences with regards to the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations.
    Another such one was that both assassins, John Booth Wilkes and Lee Harvey Oswald, both appeared in newspaper coverage years prior to the assassinations. (Oswald being covered in 1959 when he defected to the USSR and again upon his return to the US in 1962)

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