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The Traveler… going through withdrawal… setting an example…

Today I found myself in London with the London Gazette dated May 8, 1712 [1]. I found that they had a reward for the apprehension of a gentleman by the name of Charles Guill. Mr. Guill “has belonged to the Bank of England, from whose Service he withdrew himself on the 3d Instant, with several Exchequer-Bills and the following Bank Notes…”. The article also provides a very interesting detail of his appearance and attire as well as the reward for his apprehension.

Another brief article is of the punishment a Robert Kingston received from pretending to be two other persons. He was sentenced to stand in the Pillory (stockades) on Tower-hill, which is where the executions were held. He was “to deter others from the like Practices”. He may have been setting an example for others, but I bet he was thinking that he was grateful that he had not received the punishment of those on Tower-hill! [2]

~The Traveler