Prices… a walk down memory lane… 1993…

October 18, 2010 by  
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Forest Gump, Jerry Maguire, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana… the 90’s.  Our price-searching through time continues… all the way to “back in the day”… when everything was “aiight. Over the past few weeks we’ve looked at sample prices from 2006 and 2009.  Today we explore a half-dozen years earlier – 1993.  To see a larger image of the catalog’s page, go here:  Catalog 90

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2 Responses to “Prices… a walk down memory lane… 1993…”

  1. Eric on October 20th, 2010 7:38 pm

    I have a copy of the first color feature section from the Boston Sunday Post dated August 5th, 1934. It is a first in a series of rare (at the time) old prints of Boston Common, and WWI photos then and now (1935) hereos from the Boston area along with cartoons of the time.
    The pages are frail but the color and print is surprisingly bold as the paper was hinden between the walls of an old New England home untl a few years ago.

    Question: Is this a rare find and what should I do with it?

  2. GuyHeilenman on October 21st, 2010 8:26 am

    Hello Eric – If you have the entire issue, the value would likely be in the $40-$75 range, depending upon whether or not it also has the report of Hitler establishing himself as the sole power figure in Germany. If it is only the feature section, it is more of a curiosity – and may do well in a Boston area collectibles venue, but not from a general collecting standpoint. Thanks for the note. – Guy

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