Where have we been?

January 31, 2019 by  
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In case you hadn’t noticed, those of us at RareNewspapers.com who write and manage the History’s Newsstand Blog have been on a hiatus the last month as we’ve negotiated the changing of the guard within our staff. Doreen Mileto (pen name “The Traveler”), who has served as our office manager for 15 years, is retiring on January 31st. We wish her the best as she and her husband seek to spend more time with their children (and grand-kiddos), and pursue adventures formerly inhibited as a result of being tethered to an ongoing work schedule. Good for her.

As of this Friday, our new office manager will be Stephanie Williams – a lover of both history and literature. Once settled, our blog posts will resume.

Thank you for your patience.

Guy Heilenman

Co-owner, Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers

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3 Responses to “Where have we been?”

  1. Paul Sarna on January 31st, 2019 8:44 pm

    THANKS for everything, Doreen.
    Good luck in the future.

    Paul Sarna

  2. Ginny Schachner on February 8th, 2019 9:37 am

    I need a referral on a 1733 orig…Baltimore 1st.edition…in Destin, Fl.. close by…to get quote on rarity.

  3. GuyHeilenman on April 25th, 2019 9:59 am

    Sorry, but we do not monitor such questions from here. Please send us information regarding what you have to us at info@rarenewspapers.com. Thanks for your understanding.

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